
Jennifer Robinson has opened a new business in Downtown Langley: The Blue Peony

by Carolyn Tamler 2nd November 2020


In July 2020, Jennifer Robinson courageously opened a new retail business in Langley that provides unique merchandise: Everything is handmade. Some of the items are locally made while others come from off island through contacts she has made.


The focus of her merchandise is a range of items that are practical, functional, colorful and pretty. She says, “I love bright colors. Bright colors brighten your mood.” The name of her store is based upon her favorite flower, the peony, and the color blue, which she says “Inspires creativity.”


The Blue Peony store was originally created by Jennifer in Sarasota Florida, where she lived after finishing her college life at the University of Florida. She got a degree in advertising and costume design from the University of Florida.



She married her husband Matt 10 years ago, and while they were living in Florida she created the concept for Blue Peony. She says, “I needed a creative outlet and originally wanted a tiny shop where I could sell home goods and accessories that I had designed and created.” She built her first business through word-of-mouth and farmers markets, but always wanted a full-size retail store.


Her journey to Langley with her husband began with their honeymoon here years ago. She had been to the Northwest several times for vacations and looked at many possible places to live in the area. When she discovered Langley, she says, “It was everything I always wanted in a small town.” Even though it is a small community, she notes “So many things are happening here.”


Moving to Langley fulfilled two of her visions: First, she got to live in a small town, and secondly, she got to create her own retail store. She is not only pleased to be living in Langley, but she loves that she can walk to work. She notes, “I get to live my dreams every day.”


Jennifer is building her business through social media and making more connections in the local community. She is pleased that local people are reaching out to her, as well as artists from other areas.


Blue Peony has an excellent website that provides lots of details about the merchandise and the store:


Jennifer would love to have you come into the store to see what she has created: 107B First Street Langley, WA 98260.



Current store hours are Thursday through Monday, 11 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.; Friday, Saturday and Sunday 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; closed Tuesday and Wednesday.

Posted by WhidbeyLocal
2nd November 2020 9:49 am.
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