
Outcast Productions presents Mr. & Mrs. Fitch

by Carolyn Tamler 22nd October 2021


Meet gossip columnists Mr. and Mrs. Fitch. When the social circuit no longer provides juicy morsels, when the pressure to create news in our never-ending news cycle becomes just a bit much, it’s time to toss back the martinis, toss around the bon mots and realize that great celebrity can just appear out of thin air. This wicked, urbane comedy is a scathing look at who is in, who is out and who may not even exist at all.

With Patricia Duff & Jeff Natter


Fridays, 11/5,11/12,11/19 @ 7:30pm
Saturdays, 11/6,11/13,11/20 @ 7:30pm
Sunday, 11/14 @ 4pm
Thursday, 11/18 @ 7:30pm 

Tickets Now Available by emailing us at: for a reservation and to pay at the door by cash or check.

(Note: Due to the chance of the current Covid Delta variant forcing us to delay or close down again, we are focusing on reserving and paying at the door to limit the need to deal with refunds. Payment is by cash or check only.)

$16 Students/Seniors (62+) & $20 Adults
Thursday, 11/18 - all tickets $14

Doors open 30 minutes in advance of performance.


OutCast Covid Guidelines

Following both professional (Equity) and non-professional (Community Theater Associations) requirements/recommendations; all actors,crew and volunteer staff are required to be vaccinated. Due to the increasing impact of the Delta variant, starting with the opening of our September production, we are requiring all patrons to  have proof of vaccination available at the door when you check in to your chosen performance. This can be with either your actual CDC vaccination card or a clear and readable photo of that card. We do understand that there may be some medical and/or religious exceptions to this, thus require those who are unvaccinated to show proof of a negative, approved Covid test taken within 72 hours of your chosen performance. All patrons must be masked.

We are a small venue and want to make sure that everyone is as protected as possible. By purchasing a ticket(s) you agree that OutCast Productions or any of its staff are not responsible for your health.

Stay tuned for our 2022 10th Anniversary Season announcement coming soon. It feels so good to be back and to be able to see you all in the Black Box again!

The OutCast Crew!

Posted by WhidbeyLocal
22nd October 2021 11:17 am.
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