
Artworks Gallery in Langley is ready for a busy summer tourist season with guest artists, remarkable new art, and a free summer music series.

by Carolyn Tamler 27th June 2022


In summer 2022, four notable guest artists and a free summer music series will transform the Artworks gallery in downtown Langley from June through September.  Guest artists include Plein air oil painter Liesel Lund, photographer Andre Feriante, still life, portrait artist Gail Liston, and award-winning illustration artist Cheryl Weisz.




Recently, Artworks formed a public relations team to enhance communication and increase the gallery’s visibility. The PR team is creating content to raise awareness for the artists in the gallery and all of the incredible Art in the city of Langley. Artworks Gallery artist Nancy Frances and a member of the PR team shares why Art is essential for local communities “Art enriches reality by elevating our perception and the authenticity of everything on the planet. Art connects us.” 



Artist Christine Crowell started with oils, but once she saw encaustics, she had to learn more about the medium.  She shares, "Encaustics are deliciously fun because they are impossible to control completely, and they are my adult crayons."  Featured, “Octopuses Garden” encaustic, 9” x 12”



Artist Morgan Bell - To create beautiful objects and send them out into the world is a great privilege for me.  From jewelry to wall art, lamps, garden art, and sculptures, I strive to create unique and beautiful objects to be enjoyed by the world.  Featured Sculpture "Navigating Life's Rough Edges" 24” x 16” 




Artworks is an eclectic artist owned gallery tucked into the courtyard on 2nd street, in the heart of downtown Langley. Artworks Gallery presents creative work by local Whidbey Island artists, including watercolor, acrylic, oil, ink drawings, encaustics, mixed media, wood artistry, jewelry, glass, garden art, fiber art, and photography.



Current list of Artworks Gallery members:

Morgan Bell – 3D Glass Sculpture, Home/Yard Décor, Jewelry, Wall Art

Susan Bradley – Colored Pencil, Pen and Ink

Judith Burns – Acrylic, Collage

Chris Crowell – Pastels, Encaustic, Oil, Glass Mosaic, Mixed Media

Nancy Frances – Abstract, Mixed Media

Loren Iwerks – Ink, Watercolors

Beth B. Johns – Photography

Marcy Johnson – Fiber, Wearable & Home Décor, Metal Jewelry

Madrone Moulton – Mixed Media

Katherine Newton – Fused Art Glass

Ginny O’Neill – Watercolors

Jim Short – Turned Wood

Doug Thompson – Driftwood and copper wall sculpture (who recently joined the gallery)

Shari Thompson – Bead woven Jewelry

Gaylen Whiteman – Watercolor, Acrylic, Oil

Victoria Castle – Mixed Media


The gallery is located in the courtyard off 2nd Street behind Mona’s, next to Ultra House. Summer hours - Wednesday - Monday, 11-5 pm, and 11-7 on the first Saturday of each month. Closed Tuesday.  Visitors can also shop at the online store:


You can request a subscription to the monthly Artworks newsletter by sending your request to, and you can learn more about Artworks and the members of the gallery by visiting their website:


First Saturday Art Walk July 2nd

Artworks Presents Guest Artist & Award-Winning Musician Andre Feriante

Join Artworks for the First Saturday Art Walk Free Summer Music Series on July 2nd, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the courtyard on 2nd Street. Artworks presents guest artist and award-winning virtuoso guitarist Andre Feriante. Andre will play music and discuss his gallery show titled "Car-tography" which comprises a series of photographs he created using toy cars and forced perspective photography. The process involves his iPhone and nature to give the illusion the toy cars are full-size automobiles. He shares, "the challenge is to place the tiny toy on a believable surface and use the sky as a backdrop." Andre joins Artwork's July featured artists, Morgan Bell and Christine Crowell.  Light refreshments will be served.



Posted by WhidbeyLocal
27th June 2022 6:48 am.
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