
Coming To Grips With My Reality

by Ron Roesler 6th September 2022


Preface: After almost 82 years, I still put myself out, contribute, make mistakes, and continue to learn through it all. The words I share here give me a sense of meaning. My intention and hope are that something here will make a positive difference for you. I am grateful for the opportunity to share. Ron


The Wisdom of My Heart


I ask myself, Am I speaking and writing from the wisdom of my heart or the learnedness or self-centeredness of my mind? 


When I was much younger, I spoke more from my ego. I do not consider myself more intelligent or learned than you or anyone else. However, we represent a population of widely varied knowledge, intelligence, and accumulated wisdom. I am more willing than most to openly share my philosophical meanderings in the hope that something here will make a positive difference for you or someone else. 


And yes, I get that you and most others reading this are already using your talents, experiences, and wisdom to make a positive difference in your life and your own way. Writing is my way of doing it.


I have found these words from Michael Meade’s writing in his Fate and Destiny to be meaningful:


The passing of time makes everyone older, but not necessarily wiser.


People either wise up to who they are at their core of their soul or else tend to slip into narrow, egocentric patterns. Either they develop a greater vision of life as they mature, or they simply lose sight of who they were intended to be and what they came to give to this world. 


Those old enough to know better would become living depositories of wisdom for the next generation to draw upon; if not, everyone would suffer a loss of knowledge and greater disorientation in the world.


Having grown both older and wiser they knew best what needed to be preserved and remembered in order for human life to be noble and meaningful and in tune with nature.


I cannot claim to live up to Meade’s words as I spent much of my earlier life consciously trying to fit in, to be “seen” as intelligent, and be accepted by others. Looking back, I see both the value and folly in doing so.


Perhaps some of that was necessary during my working years. And yet, at the time, speaking from my heart or drawing on my depository of wisdom was never even a conscious consideration. 


It’s About What I Think of Myself


I have realized that it is not about what others think of me. What’s most important is what I think of myself. Am I happy with myself and who I’ve become? I do not dwell on or allow past mistakes or the opinion of others to shut me down or overshadow my goodness and self-love!


No matter how we see the world, I believe each of us gains wisdom as we age. However, to me, it’s more about owning it. Not flaunting it, and yet, not denying it


A Greater Undefined Purpose


Having lived through twelve years of severe, death-defying health issues, I believe I am alive today for some greater purpose. I consciously choose not to let age or infirmities define who I am or hold me hostage. As such, I am determined to focus on continuing to serve others and make a difference during my remaining days. Hence my intention and hope that something here has made a positive difference for you.


Through all of this articulateness, what matters most to me is joy, laughter, love, and gratitude, with love the highest of all, especially for my amazing wife, Helene.


While we may not have met each other, each in our way, we are doing this life together! Hopefully, you have found something useful in these words and are already serving others from the wisdom of your heart!


Blessings, Ron



Ron Roesler

(360) 720-9563


My Article Distribution: Approximately 1,000 friends and acquaintances. Medium, an Internet service for writers to share their writing on any topic. Linkedin, an Internet service to access knowledge, insights and opportunities. The ManKind Project “Elder Support”: Empowering and supporting men to make a difference in the lives of others – men, women, and children around the world. Whidbey Local, “Life Sensibilities” a Whidbey-based local search engine, helping local businesses and entrepreneurs thrive.

Search my name for access to a full list of past articles on Medium, Linkedin, or Whidbey local.

Posted by WhidbeyLocal
6th September 2022 8:20 am.
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