
Erin and Ross Egge are the New Owners of Dancing Fish Vineyards and Winery

by Carolyn Tamler 3rd October 2022


Erin and Ross Egge purchased Dancing Vineyards in Freeland from Nancy and Brad Thompson in June of 2022. Erin says, “We fell in love with Dancing Fish the first time we visited in 2017. When we found out Dancing Fish was for sale, we knew that we wanted to build our work and lives around it.”


Ross and Erin have been married since 2016, the same year they moved to Whidbey Island.  They are grateful to be able to live on Whidbey, raise a family here and to now be part of the local business community. Ross’s family has been on Whidbey for three generations.



Erin and Ross met in Latin America where they were both working for a non-profit focused on children and families, NPH – “Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos” (Our Little Brothers and Sisters). When they decided to marry and return to the States in 2016, they lived in Ross’ family’s beach house throughout their transition back to the U.S. Just a few months later, they decided to stay for good and purchased a home near Bayview Corner. Their son, Greyson, was born on Whidbey two years ago.


Ross and Erin have always bonded over their entrepreneurial ideas and dreams. They heard that Dancing Fish was for sale by one of the common methods on Whidbey: word-of-mouth. When they talked with Nancy and Brad Thompson about what they were looking for in a new buyer, there was agreement on what the Egges would do with the property. The major agreement: They wanted to retain what people loved about the place and the quality wines it offered.


The Egge’s feel they are continuing to do what they have always done in their careers: “Taking care of people.” Over the summer, they worked closely with the Thompsons, who have been supportive advisors, describing what they had done with the products, the events, and the property. Erin and Ross want to continue relationships with businesses on Whidbey and maintain the reputation Dancing Fish has created for their products and events.




The six-acre Dancing Fish property provides beautiful views for people to enjoy while they have a glass of wine and experience the peaceful environment. The wine is special, made in partnership with Washington winemakers and with all of the varieties made from grapes grown in Eastern Washington.


The Egges have several visions they hope to accomplish in the years ahead. They want to continue to carry on what has already been established by the Thompsons. They hope to expand the Wine Club that currently has 360 members. They are working with different wine makers in the region and they are offering a new release every three months. They want to continue “Bringing the best of Washington wines to Whidbey Island.”


Stop by the first-come-first served seating at the tasting room patio, or make a reservation for the barn or tasting room by calling them at 360-632-4190 or emailing them at  Current hours for the Tasting Room are Thursday, 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.; Friday and Saturday: 11:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. and Sunday and Monday, 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. They will be changing to winter hours soon, so make sure to visit their website, or follow them on social to stay up-to-date:


Musical performances are offered every Friday night.  Check the website to see what is happening:

Posted by WhidbeyLocal
3rd October 2022 7:58 am.
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