
Casey’s Crafts in Bayview offers a broad range of craft supplies, cards and party supplies

by Carolyn Tamler 30th October 2023

Casey’s Crafts has 4,000 square feet of retail space providing a large selection of art supplies, beading, craft supplies, toys for children, party supplies, fabrics and notions, yarns, felting kits, and items for scrap-booking. It is the only craft store on South Whidbey. A person walking through will have fun exploring the many shelves with a wide variety of items. Owner Laurie Davenport notes that: “In addition to the large number of regular and first time adult shoppers, I see many children who love to wander through here.”


Laurie, who moved to Whidbey in 1971, remembers coming to Casey’s Crafts with her daughter many years ago. Before she purchased the business, she went to nursing school and become a Licensed Practical Nurse, and worked as a nurse for more than 30 years. She was a regular customer of Casey’s Crafts when she saw a sign on the door that said “For Sale.” She had just come into some money and decided to buy the business.


Patty Currier, who was working at Casey’s when Laurie purchased the business, still is a much valued employee who handles most of the business elements.  There are currently eight employees, including Patty, and others who help with ordering, stocking and serving customers. Laurie notes that her employees love coming to work, and they enjoy being able to respond to customer needs and requests.



In addition to the broad selection of craft supplies, there is a wide variety of classes offered including groups doing:


  • Water color painting
  • Needle felting
  • Monthly rock party for rock painting
  • Card making
  • Collage
  • Know Your Knives


People who come looking for something at Casey’s Crafts, who are attending a class, share many positive comments: “It’s so much fun;” “It’s a great creative outlet;” and “I love feeding off the creativity of others.”

These same kinds of positive comments are often shared by first-time and regular visitors to the store.



Casey’s Crafts is located at 14485 State Route 525 #2 (near The Goose Grocer) and is open every day, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. For more information, you can check out their website: or give them a call at 360-321-0577.

In anticipation of the holidays, Casey’s Crafts has expanded its variety of toys, including Ty, Legos, Barbies and Calico Critters.


Coupons will be given out after Thanksgiving – November 23, 24 and 25. The “Grab Coupon” will be for use in December for 40% off a one-time purchase in the store.


Posted by WhidbeyLocal
30th October 2023 5:17 am.
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