
Balanced Tax Solutions in Clinton provides bookkeeping, payroll, business compliance reporting, and tax accounting for businesses and individuals

by Carolyn Tamler 6th November 2023


Kirstin Smith has more than 13 years’ experience doing taxes for several individual and business clients. She established her own business – Balanced Tax Solutions – in 2016 while being a stay-at-home parent.  She has been an Enrolled Tax Agent since 2020. A major ethic of the business is providing a calm and caring approach for the clients.


Today, Balanced Tax Solutions is located at 6305 Storkson Drive, Suite 101, in Clinton. There are three full-time employees (including Kirstin) and three part-time. Kirstin says Balanced Tax Solutions provides a range of services, including bookkeeping, payroll, business compliance reporting, and tax preparation for individuals and businesses. The company complies with IRS security standards. She has a staff meeting once a week where everyone shares any concerns or issues where they want some help or input.


Prior to establishing her own business, Kirstin was a district service manager for health clubs for 10 years while being a stay-at-home parent for her two children. Originally, she worked with a tax attorney in California for five years while building up her own clientele.




Kirstin moved to Whidbey Island in 2021. Like so many who have come to live and work on Whidbey, her desire to live here with her family followed several visits to a friend on the island. She and her husband decided they wanted to have a home here.


On Whidbey, much Kirstin’s business is created by word-of-mouth. She says, “I enjoy hearing about the lives of people with whom I work, and I especially like helping people find solutions to their tax and business issues.” She notes that a majority of the local businesses she works with on Whidbey are women-owned.  The services offered can be in-person or by a remote contact-on-line.


Kirstin adds: “I enjoy working with people and helping them find solutions and seeing their businesses thrive.” She especially enjoys mentoring young people who are just establishing businesses on Whidbey.


The office space includes an attractive conference room that will be available for community business use starting in January with video and audio components.



In addition to her business, Kirstin is actively working with the Community Land Trust to create affordable housing for workers on the island.


To learn more about the services offered by Balanced Tax Solutions, you can email Kirstin at or give her a call at 360-875-2180.

Posted by WhidbeyLocal
6th November 2023 12:24 pm.
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