
Wilderness Survival Essentials for Teens and Tweens

by rryan Jun 27, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Freeland Library, 5495 Harbor Ave, Freeland, WA, United States, 98249
Jun 27 , 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Learn about wilderness survival and primitive skills with Jason Knight of Alderleaf Wilderness College! Discover the core skills of survival - shelter, water, fire, and food - and come away with practical life-saving skills, a deeper relationship with nature, greater confidence, and resources to share with your family & friends for fun and in emergencies.


Jason will share exciting personal stories, video clips of unique survival skills, and examples of key survival gear to pack into a kit for hiking. Ages 9 and up.


Jason Knight is passionate about helping people learn wilderness survival skills. He is a co-founder of Alderleaf Wilderness College and author of the best-selling book, The Essential Skills of Wilderness Survival. Jason has consulted as a local wilderness skills expert for the Discovery Channel's Dual Survival program and has been featured on NPR.


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