
Family History: Writing the Story When They Left No Stories

by rryan Sep 25, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Freeland Library 5495 Harbor Ave, Freeland, WA, United States, 98249
Sep 25 , 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

You've spent years working on your genealogy. Now it's finally time to take all that data and put it together into a story that your friends and relatives will want to read. Using social history resources Mary Roddy shows you how to take your data and "fluff it up" with the kinds of details that draw your reader into the story of their ancestors' lives.


By the end of the session attendees will know how to search for period-specific historical resources to understand their ancestors' daily lives, including their occupations. Session attendees will learn how to extract data from genealogical resources including census records and vital records to provide specific details of the ancestors' lives that will make for a readable and compelling family narrative.


Mary Roddy is a Certified Public Accountant. She earned a certificate from the Genealogy and Family History program at the University of Washington. She is an active member of the Seattle Genealogical Society and speaks frequently in the Seattle area. Mary is a regular contributor to YourGenealogyToday and Internet Genealogy magazines and a webinar presenter with Legacy Family Tree Webinars.

Posted by rryan
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