Safe Ride Home Whidbey Island
Safe Ride Home Whidbey Island is a grassroots organization that blossomed out of the passion and motivation of a very small handful of Whidbey Island residents who wanted to improve the safety of our roads for all drivers and passengers, regardless of their ages.
Pre-paid safe transportation home for anyone if you find yourself in any unsafe situation, or need a ride home from hospital. Rides for anyone on South Whidbey who needs a lift - any time, any where, for these reasons:
- If you're at the hospital and you don't have a way home
- Feeling unsafe with your friends? On a date or being bullied? Call (360) 395-8714
- Alcohol- Free pre-paid rides in local taxis from any location to your home in a 20 mile radius
- Drugs - If you or your driver has been impaired by drug use, call (360) 395- 8714
- Pressure- if anyone is trying to get you to do anything you don't want to do- drugs, sex- crime, etc- CALL US
- Domestic Violence - any hostile situation, we'll come get you.
-If you've ever taken an ambulance ride to Whidbey Health Hospital and need a way home, you can call (360) 395-8714 and a local Taxi Service, and someone will come get you FREE OF CHARGE.
Keep our roads safe.
Please Like Us on Facebook, Donate, and Get Involved!
Call or Text Brian Grimm (360) 929-3277 bjgrimm@whidbey.com
or Monique Kalov, (360) 221-7652
Donations always welcome. Safe Ride Home checks can be sent to P.O. Box 866, Freeland, WA 98249. Safe Ride Home Whidbey Island is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization and donations are tax deductible.
We are funded 100% by donations. The best way to say "thank you" is to pay for your ride.
The taxi companies will also accept payment the next day. if you can afford it, please pay your cab fare. The less money SRH has to pay the cab companies, the more people we can get home safely!
(360) 395- 8714