“A Girl's First Axe,” reverse acrylic on acrylic by Buffy Cribbs, 36”h x 32”w
June 5 - 28
Working in a method derived from stained glass painting, Cribbs paints colorful images in reverse on plexiglass that depict objects, places, people, and animals in straightforward, sometimes quirky and humorous observations.
Manipulating the paint by incorporating reductive layering techniques, the final result is only revealed by turning over the plexiglass. She deftly deals with subjects that are illusive and often times mysterious. Buffy and her husband, painter Bruce Morrow, have been creating art on Whidbey Island since 1986.
“Sea Form Still Life I” reverse acrylic on acrylic by Buffy Cribbs, 12” h x 14”w
The gallery will also being exhibiting bronze sculptures by Georgia Gerber and Sharon Spencer, layered glass landscapes by Steph Mader, raku-fired ceramic vessels by Joan Govedare, witty assemblages by Pam Kueny Taylor and Sara Saltee, woodwork by Bruce Launer, Don Wodjenski, and Gary Leake, as well as paintings by several other top NW artists.
“Tea House Tom Cat,” reverse acrylic on acrylic by Buffy Cribbs, 24”h x 30”w
Rob Schouten Gallery, a premier showcase for Whidbey Island and Northwest artists, is located at 101 Anthes Avenue, Langley WA at the corner of First and Anthes. June gallery hours: Weekends 10 - 5; Weekdays 11 - 5.
For further information, call 360.222.3070 or email info@robschoutengallery.com