The Shifty Sailors are releasing their new album on May 18th at the Penn Cove Water Festival. It is called Howling Gales, Raging Seas.
Crowning Achievements - A Royal Collaboration
Whidbey’s Saratoga Orchestra presents a 15th Anniversary Celebration Concert
Leap over to WICA and Celebrate the Dance!
Whidbey’s Saratoga Orchestra presents A MUSICAL ODYSSEY – REMEMBERING TOKITAE
The Shifty Sailors on Whidbey Island are celebrating their 30th year performing sea shanties and “songs of the sea.”
Whidbey’s Saratoga Orchestra presents A NOVEL IDEA – Listening to Music thru Storytelling
Andre Feriante enjoys sharing the healing benefits of music
Sheila Weidendorf loves sharing her musical gifts with others
Gideon Freudmann is a unique cellist and composer living on Whidbey