Second Hand Booty in Clinton: One Person’s “Stuff” is Another Person’s Treasure
Alma, a new store in Langley specializes in natural, organic clothing, toys and essentials for the whole family
Katie Ginn’s Designer Consigner in Freeland is now featuring lovely denim jackets made from recycled materials created by Ganette Copeland who also helps out at the store
The Enchanted Beedle in Coupeville has an amazing selection of fresh cut flowers, knitting supplies, crystals and gems….and more
Keeping South Whidbey Safe and Fed: Good Cheer in the time of Covid-19
Music for the Eyes: The Lundahls keep adding to the many treasures at their store in Langley and are keeping the store safe in the time of COVID
The Goose Grocer in Langley: Responding to community needs