Jennifer Krouse says, “Sprinklz Ice Cream and Coffee Shop has moved into its Forever Home in Langley”
Badeah Shirazi has been a belly dancer, a teacher, and is now building a reputation as a multi-media artist
‘Tis the season for busy state ferries
Fair Trade Outfitters in Langley offers a collection of “Island Casual” and “Out-doorsy” men’s and women’s clothing and accessories
Tessa and Richard Karno provide a special way to enjoy regular or decaf coffee: “Unplugged Coffee”
Jenn and Sieb Jurriaans have added Seabiscuit Bakery to their Whidbey Restaurant Businesses
David Gregor: Author, Owner of Gregor Rare Books in Langley, Musician, and leader of the Deja Blooze Band Has Written a New Book and Created a New Musical
Pack your patience if boarding a state ferry in a vehicle for Thanksgiving travel
The Shifty Sailors on Whidbey Island are celebrating their 30th year performing sea shanties and “songs of the sea.”
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