
Bdub relations, owned by Beth Woolley, helps smart business owners create smart brands and connect with customers.

by Carolyn Tamler 5th April 2021


Beth Woolley has been living on Whidbey for over four years, but she started her business, bdub relations several years ago in Lynnwood. During her time on the island Beth has continued to build her professional career. She previously worked for several companies, focusing on organization and communication in support of strategic shifts and financial goals. Her clients include both small businesses and large enterprises.


Before her move to Whidbey, she worked In Seattle for a boutique branding agency. She says, “I enjoy the challenge of working with businesses and nonprofits adapting to extraordinary circumstances.” She also notes that during this time of COVID, she has appreciated living and working in a place where social distancing feels easier to take because of all the beauty here.


Beth Woolley spent most of her adult life in the West, including 26 years in Lynnwood, WA, just across the water.


Beth and her husband, whose grandfather owned property on Camano Island in the 1950s and ‘60s, realized they wanted a different personal lifestyle than living in a suburban town. After many years of visiting Whidbey Island they bought property on the island in 2007, and settled in Clinton. She comments, “I love being close to nature.” 



She became an active member of the Clinton community and the Clinton Chamber of Commerce.  As her connections on the island grew, so did business for bdub relations.  Her approach to helping businesses grow applies to non-profits, government, health care, education, real estate, professional services, technology and retail. Beth specializes in helping her clients understand the meaning and value of their own brand from the customer point of view.  


Although Beth has worked with large and small businesses, she gets particular satisfaction working with small organizations and start-ups. She adds, “Small businesses are the engines of the American economy and crucial to our island community.”


Some of her recent projects in the island include:


  • Developing a new Goosefoot website (launched in late March): Beth partnered with Goosefoot staff and Christopher Baldwin Design on the strategy, design and website writing.
  • Conducted several marketing workshops for Goosefoot.
  • Worked with Housing Authority of Snohomish County (HASCO)). Developed HASCO’s brand promise and communications plan. Wrote website, launched in February. Partnered with web developer on website strategy.
  • Worked for Coons Construction. Developed brand promise; wrote website and partnered with developer on website strategy.
  • She also represented the Clinton Chamber of Commerce at the Clinton Drive-through Easter Egg Hunt, bringing her cousin for the festivities.


bdub relations offers small business growth packages. She helps clients understand that at the heart of their brand is a promise between the business and its current and potential customers.  If operations and communications align with the brand promise, more people will experience—and appreciate—the value of what a company does for them and what it stands for.


Her business packages encompass many services, including refreshing website strategy and content, creating a marketing program, brand assessment and full brand development, which includes revealing what customers value most about the organization.



She most recently completed projects on Whidbey for Goosefoot and “Altogether Langley.”  She enjoys working with non-profits and social services because she believes these organizations are vital components of the closely connected communities on Whidbey. She has a strong belief that bdub relations can play a vital role in the growth and success of local businesses.


Beth invites people to check out her website - - to get a more detailed description of the importance of brand-building.


Request a quick free consult about your situation.  Call Beth at 206-619-2959 or send her an email:


Posted by WhidbeyLocal
5th April 2021 4:19 pm.
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