
Community Loaves, provides delicious, nutritious bread for our local food bank.

by Carolyn Tamler 19th April 2021


In April of 2020, Katherine Kehrli, a Kirkland resident, created the idea of “Community Loaves” - volunteers baking healthy breads that are donated to local food banks. She began with five people making 19 loaves of bread.  The Community Loaves operation grew to a program with more than 650 bakers in Washington and Oregon. There are now 25 baking hubs in Washington State producing 2,000 loaves of nutritious honey oat wheat bread every 2 weeks.


Sue Mills, volunteered to be a Hub Coordinator to bring the program to Whidbey Island.  To participate in this program, a volunteer needs to experience an hour and a half Zoom training (at no cost).  There are many videos available online for volunteers to help them understand the process.


The bread is made using a recipe that ensures a quality bread made from high quality, locally milled flours.  The bread is a honey oat whole wheat loaf.  Bakers are given access to packaging, T-85 flour (high extraction flour) and Fairhaven whole wheat flour. The only ingredients used in the making of this bread are the two flours, oats, honey/molasses, olive oil and yeast.



Key to a successful hub is a good relationship with a local food bank. Early in the process of becoming a Hub Coordinator, Sue reached out to Carol Squire, Executive Director of Good Cheer Food Bank, and staff members Karen Korbelik, Food Bank Manager and Lissa Firor, Food Bank Produce Manager.


Currently, there are 10 local bakers in the Whidbey Hub plus two more going through the training. Bakers pay for all the supplies needed to bake and package the bread.


Sue notes that “we are looking for more volunteer bakers to participate in providing this bread to our local Good Cheer Food Bank.”  Other ways to contribute include providing funds to this growing non-profit.



To get more information, contact Sue through her email address:  You can also get more information about the Community Loaves project through their website:

Posted by WhidbeyLocal
19th April 2021 9:39 am.
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