

by Ron Roesler 13th June 2022


Lets the Good Stuff Grow!


Whether landscaping, gardening, or lawn care, you know the importance of weeding. No matter who or where you are, weeding is both an annoyance and a necessary part of life. And it requires time and purposeful effort, and while weeding lets the good stuff grow, it also results in sore backs and soiled knees. 


Weeding takes purposeful work!


Yet doing nothing and left to nature, weeds will proliferate and choke off the beauty of flowers, shrubs, vegetables, and lawns. All the good stuff


As individuals, we have an ongoing opportunity throughout life to gather and release negative emotions such as resentment, animosity, unresolved grief, anger, grudges, bitterness, self-condemnation, self-punishment, or negativity towards another. By holding on to any of them, they become personal weeds that literally choke off charisma, connection, and love, the good stuff!


The tough part is denial. Whether accepted or not, we all, including myself, carry residual detractions, emotions, and feelings. The ones that affect us most are the ones that change our behavior away from our essence, from our good.


The only one we hurt by holding on to any of these emotions or feelings towards another is ourselves, our ability to function most effectively. And, conversely, another’s feelings toward you or me only hurt them and neither of us! It’s their weeds!


And yes, I have been clearing unwanted negative emotions and energy most of my life and will continue until the day that it no longer matters!


As an individual, whatever age and wherever you are in life, now is an excellent time to resolve whatever you may be carrying that is holding you back from showing up in your full brilliance. What negative feelings, sometimes referred to as wounds, are you holding on to?


And yes, “personal weeding” also takes purposeful work!


Whether you are a religious person or not, prayer is always an excellent place to start. It carries an intention to heal and makes room for the God-given good stuff in you to flourish.


You may consider seeking qualified support in the form of a minister, priest, or other religious leaders, a therapist, a life coach, or a trusted friend. In each case, listening, vulnerability, and a willingness to take heed are critical to the effectiveness of your personal weeding and growth.


From a personal perspective, you may start by asking yourself, “what do I want more of in my life?” The answer(s) to that question may help you identify where to focus on healing old wounds.


Be kind to yourself. Consider forgiving yourself and others by releasing unwanted negative feelings. Exercise forgiveness and truly forgive yourself! or truly forgive another! (The word “truly” is intentionally used to emphasize the depth and significance of sincere forgiveness in one's life.)


Related to forgiveness, consider Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian spiritual practice. Today, it remains a highly effective practice for forgiveness, helping people navigate hurt feelings and feelings of resentment towards others. 


Ho'oponopono means to 'set right'; in this case, setting things right by seeking forgiveness and love and, finally, by expressing gratitude


The Ho'oponopono healing practice is four basic steps:

  1. I'm Sorry. (Saying sorry and admitting responsibility.) ...
  2. Please forgive me. Or I forgive myself. …
  3. Thank you. ...
  4. And, I love you.


Yesterday I was 61. Today I am gratefully 81! Life passes quickly! Don’t wait! Now is the time to weed! Your light will shine brighter, and you will be more accessible, fulfilled, and happier! 


Ron Roesler



Posted by WhidbeyLocal
13th June 2022 8:36 am.
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