
Hope For Another Tomorrow

by Ron Roesler 7th October 2022



Preface: Having been a lifelong Christian from both a biblical and life-affirming perspective, my sharing is from my understanding. I am not a learned theologian, and aside from the significance of having a foundational faith-based belief, my thoughts are still from a layman’s perspective, and just that, my thoughts! 


“There is Always Hope”


Hope is as straightforward as hoping a good life will continue or today’s circumstances will improve. And there is one constant, no matter the circumstances; there is always hope!


You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one.” ― John Lennon


No matter what is being endured today, hope provides a sense of comfort in the belief that better days are ahead.


I have found that hope gives me a reason for being. For instance, I hope my words somehow make a positive difference for you and others. I have also found that hardships have contributed to my learning, personal growth, and wisdom! One thing is sure, no matter what, having hope provides optimism and gives life the possibility of more significant meaning. Today’s storm brings tomorrow’s wisdom.


In that context, I believe that good will conquer evil, that right will win over wrong, and that love will always prevail over hate. And I have faith that circumstances will continually improve as I age and grow wiser, especially as I better understand the larger picture of my/our existence.


 Hope is:


  1. Expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. 
  2. Believing that something good will happen.


And yes, I believe in and have faith in God! I hope and have faith there will be another tomorrow! This addresses what I think is the importance of having a foundational belief. 


Romans 15:13, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”


Whether religious or not, living with a foundational belief and hope for the future is what life is all about. Under the direst of circumstances, there will still be hope for tomorrow. IMJ hope is one of the common denominators of life.


Today, many religions and individual churches offer people a biblically-based solid foundation of inclusion to all and enlightening messages of hope and love.

It goes back to choice! If you are delighted with your life and who you are, keep doing what you’ve been doing. If not, or you hope for something better in the future, do yourself a favor and consider one of these uplifting churches. 


For me, finding an uplifting home church has opened a world of delight and connection with caring and loving people. There are no downsides!


From Psychology Today: “Hopeful people believe they can influence their goals, that their efforts can have a positive impact. They are also more likely to make healthy choices to eat better or exercise, or do the other things that will help them move toward what they are hoping for.” “It (hope) doesn’t ignore trouble, make excuses, or deny the danger. It is not pretending. It is acknowledging the truth of the situation and working to find the best way to cope. It’s showing up and working through the hard stuff, believing that something better is possible. It’s resilient.”


Hope creates the opportunity to flourish. 


Life is short. Do something you can enjoy; give yourself a gift. Visit two or three churches in your community and select the one that resonates most with you. 


Let yourself be held in an enlightening cradle of caring and love as you meet new friends and discover the value of belonging and flourishing.


A good friend recently asked me why I share my thoughts. Here’s my response: 


As to why; First, I want to make a positive difference while I’m around. I accomplish this by sharing my perspectives with a broad audience, hoping it will make life easier or a little more bearable for someone. I believe that not everyone, including myself, has it all figured out.


I also believe that no matter how hopeless a situation may seem, there is always hope for better, healing, or another tomorrow. As such, I choose to share my perspectives.”


Hope helps us manage stress and anxiety and cope with adversity. Hope contributes to well-being and happiness, and hope motivates positive action. 


I hope your life includes many more tomorrows and an abundance of friendships, joy, love, and especially gratitude for all the good stuff! 


Ron Roesler

Whidbey Island, WA


Posted by WhidbeyLocal
7th October 2022 7:59 am.
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