
Jenna Alexander invites you to experience Dewdrop Hypnotherapy to create positive changes in your life

by Carolyn Tamler 14th October 2024


Jenna Alexander began practicing hypnotherapy with her friends and family over 9 years ago, and the responses were so encouraging, she decided to create Dewdrop Hypnotherapy  a practice that is now in the Bluewater Building in Freeland.


Since she started her business, it has grown, mostly by word-of-mouth, and she is continuing to receive praise and referrals.


Before she created Dewdrop Hypnotherapy, Jenna worked in some high quality restaurants on Whidbey Island. She notes, “Waiting on customers helps you learn how to read people and create rapport and connections, qualities which are essential to providing healing therapies to people.” Her business also reflects an idea she had from when she was six years old: “We can manifest things from our thoughts.” She adds, “Even as a little girl I read a lot of books about positive thinking and the deeper mind.”



The major motivator for her learning to become a professional hypnotherapist came from a personal process, when she used self-healing with visualization to overcome some health challenges, and decided to help others empower themselves in their own lives.


She became a certified hypnotherapist from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, which allowed her to do her studies on line. It took her a year of studying videos, taking tests, clinical hours, and working with an on-line tutor to complete her certification.


When she decided to start her own practice, she had a lot of support from her husband, children, and other family members.


Jenna points out that someone must be a willing participant to be able to be hypnotized, despite some television and stage demonstrations that suggest someone could be made to do something they didn’t want to if they were hypnotized.


“There are many myths about hypnosis including that it’s a form of mind control, that people can be made to do things they don’t want to do, but this is not the case or intention; it is meant to give you more control over your life, not less, and it’s all within your own choice and control.”


She is very satisfied with the results she has observed. “I’ve had seen people change in so many ways. It can break old patterns, implement new one, and is good for a variety of things- unwanted habits, anxieties, spiritual journeys, you name it. ”


She adds, “Hypnosis is a natural state that we all go in and out of to some degree every day. We may as well benefit from it.”


Jenna Alexander invites those who want to know more about hypnotherapy to make an appointment for a no obligation 15 minute phone consultation by calling 425-273-1456. You can also visit her website at , or email her at

Posted by WhidbeyLocal
14th October 2024 1:46 pm.
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