Toddler Storytime with Rebecca
Jump and bounce together into a world of stories, music, and movements that nurture the desire to read in...
Want to know more about Going on Medicare? Attend a free “Getting Ready for Medicare” seminar offered by SHIBA* (Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors) volunteers. This seminar covers:
“Basic” Medicare benefits and options for additional insurance(s)
When to apply and how to apply
Medicare parts A and B costs, PLUS what is and isn’t covered
The differences between “Medigap” (supplemental) insurance and Advantage plans
Financial Assistance for qualifying low-income individuals
Prescription drug plans
Registration required. Call SHIBA directly at 360-321-1600 to reserve a spot.
January 12, 2021
February 22, 2021
March 1, 2021
May 10, 2021